Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

God could have orchestrated His plan of providing for us a Savior any way that he wanted. But he didn't send a Savior that would have it easy in this life, that would be born into privilege, that would be immune from suffering. He sent a baby to be born into this world, to two scared, but devoted parents, in a cold and dirty manger of all places. His upbringing was not out of the ordinary from the other townspeople, but His behavior and choices from the very beginning set him apart. He spent his time learning, teaching, serving, and loving others. He didn't just tell people God's message, He lived it and led by example. And in the end, He was persecuted until His last breath, but He died with a great peace knowing He fulfilled his role as the Savior of the World.

We all go through challenges in life, but we need only look to the Savior to see how it is that we can get through those things. Even in the midst of our greatest trials, we can rely on the power of prayer and the love of the Savior to see us through. It is true that because of Him, we need not fear and we can go forward with a brightness of hope.

Wishing you all a season of great joy and peace, because with a knowledge that He has gone before us to pave our way back to Heaven, we are in good hands. Merry Christmas.

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