Monday, August 24, 2015

5 weeks old

I have been blogging from my phone and lo and behold... I just found out the posts never actually uploaded onto the blog. Lame. Sorry for the radio silence.

Going back to last week at 5 weeks old...

Jackson is really developing in his ability to make eye contact and in his attempts to communicate. And as much as I love a cuddly newborn, I'm also really glad we're almost to the 6 week mark. It's really hard to learn a new human, and I feel like at about 6 weeks is when a new comfort level sinks in with them. Jackson has been a precious addition with little fuss. He sleeps 3-5 hours at night and is almost always content in your arms. Sometimes he will take a pacifier (which the other boys detested!) and he sleeps through most outings in the carseat. I am feeling pretty comfortable taking the three kids places by myself, and Jackson has already unknowingly gone to place like the park, Busch Gardens, Chuck E Cheese, the movies, the trampoline park, the pool, the beach, and church. We just love this little guy sooo much!

Lookin' good in his house coat.
 I just want to eat up his little profile!

 Pete taking his paternity leave at 4 weeks old, was perfect because we really got to enjoy our time as a family instead of just functioning in a fog. On the first day, we went to Busch Gardens because military gets in free once a year. Sweet! It was our first time and we had a lot of fun for a few hours. Pete decided to revert back to his teenage-self and rode this crazy roller coaster.
 Waiting for daddy to ride that roller coast behind us...
 I liked the international theme of all the different areas.
 The boys had a lot of fun on the rides. They were pros by now given their extensive experience at the country fairs.
 I thought these swings looked so fun, so I convinced Parker to go with me. The whole time his eyes were wide as saucers and he's yelling, "This is my worst nightmare... I'm afraid of heights!" Whoops.

 This is what Jackson did the whole time, except waking up to eat once. Amazing. And don't worry, he sleeps best with his neck like this. It is probably how he slept in the womb, so it's his happy place.

 I can't believe I have three boys. My life is pretty great!

 While Parker does express some jealously in the form of needing attention every time I go to feed Jackson, or needing to be right by me while I'm feeding and then proceeding to sing, dance and chat as loud as possible, he is still the sweetest to his brother. Jackson is the most expressive when Parker is talking to him.
 Mr. Blue eyes. So glad is blood vessel rings are gone. This is a much better look.
 This is how he spends a majority of his life right now.

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